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The ATP Project's Podcast

Aug 26, 2015

Anyone regularly using pre-workout drinks, powdered fat burners or intra-workout BCAAs need to listen to this podcast....they may be making you fat.  They may also be contributing to muscle loss, gut flora inbalances, Insulin resistance and unbalanced brain chemistry!!  Jeff and Matt answer a host of FAQs on...

Aug 19, 2015


Matt and Jeff discuss fasted cardio and getting into ketosis, how intra-workout amino acids may inhibit fat-loss goals and poke a finger at raspberry ketones yet again and explain why they do not work.  More FAQs are answered and the Rate it to win it competition winner is announced.

Check out ATP Science's range...

Aug 12, 2015

In today's podcast Jeff and Matt discuss the popular "If it fits your macros" diet. While this type of diet is definitely producing results, Matt explains why this may not be the best option for your health OR body shape in the long run.  FAQs at the end are on PCOS and which supplements to take as well as an...

Aug 5, 2015

Jeff and Matt have a chat with X-Man Toney Freeman, Pro IFBB Bodybuilder about everything from how he got started in the sport, diets, tricks of the trade, training and lots of laughs.

Check out ATP Science's range of products at our online...