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The ATP Project's Podcast

Apr 26, 2022

Fat Loss - Calorie Restricted Diets | The ATP Project 336

In today’s episode of the ATP Project, Jeff and Steve answer the age-old question – is calorie restriction the KING when it comes to fat loss? The team discusses the history of calorie restricting, fasting, and intermittent fasting as a form of calorie...

Apr 12, 2022

In today’s episode of The ATP Project, Jeff interviews ATP’s newest sponsored athlete, Dylan Banks, an E-sports Athlete who is taking the online FIFA world by storm. We give some sneak peeks into his early study days, where his career kicked off, and why he chose to pursue the fields he did. On top of this, we get...

Apr 5, 2022

In today's episode of the ATP project Steve and Jeff review some common household sweeteners and how some might not be so sweet for your health. We are talking all about honey, stevia, surculose, thaumatin, agave, monk-fruit, and ACE-K - which are the most commonly used natural and artificial sweeteners found in...