Oct 25, 2022
Meal Replacements - Doing More Harm Than Good? Jeff and Steve dive into the research around meal replacements, this is a hot topic and the team is regularly asked about their recommendations or thoughts on these so listen in because here they are. Why are they recommended, who can benefit from them and what are...
Oct 18, 2022
DIM - Should You Be Using It?
DIM - Should You Be Using It? | The ATP Project 361 This week Jeff and Steve discuss a popular supplement, 3,3'-diindolylmethane (DIM). DIM is used often with the intention to help with acne, hormonal dependant cancers, and bodybuilding. There is a lot to unpack here, find out why DIM might...
Oct 11, 2022
Jeff and Steve have a special guest for you today! Dean Karnazes is joining the guys to share his inspirational and mind-blowing career as an ultramarathon runner. Just 1 of Dean's many highlights includes running (and winning) the Badwater Ultramarathon consisting of 135 miles across death valley in...
Oct 4, 2022
Unusual Remedies - Is There Any Truth To The Hype?
This week Jeff and Steve share the pros and cons of some unusual remedies and current "socialite trends." They take a look at hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Intravenous vitamin infusions, hydrotherapy, laser therapy, and why someone might be putting Irish Sea Moss (red...