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The ATP Project's Podcast

Apr 14, 2016

In todays' controversial episode Matt and Jeff talk about some cracker amino acids everyone should be taking to increase lean muscle mass and one amino acid that you’re probably taking and will want to get off immediately. This popular supplement will destroy your test levels, specifically your free test and ramp...

Mar 10, 2016

Jeff and Matt continue the discussion on up-regulating receptors to enhance fat burning.  They cover off on MCT Oils and how they can be over-used and actually turn off fat burning.  They spill a few too many beans on the newly patented ATP Science product being released next week at the Arnold’s in Melbourne and then...

Mar 4, 2016

Matt and Jeff discuss the hierarchy in fuel used when training for fat loss and they explain what AMP-K is and how it helps burn fat. They discuss the question on everyone’s lips….Is fasted cardio really better than non-fasted cardio? How to time meals to stop catabolism and aid muscle growth and finally what...

Feb 11, 2016

Bloating, swelling and puffy things.  Jeff and Matt discuss the relationship between fluid retention and the thyroid, cortisol, estrogen and the lymphatic system.  They talk about pitting edema, circulation, uric acid and a whole lot more.  They also discuss ways to remove it, natural diuretics and how to treat...

Feb 4, 2016

Jeff and Matt discuss the functions of the brain and the effects from uppers, downers, sliders, drugs, herbs, amino acids, adaptogens, nrf2 activators and essential oils. They touch on interesting hormonal impacts on brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson's and dementia. They also talk about nootropics and...