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The ATP Project's Podcast

Feb 23, 2021

In today's episode of the Modern Woman’s podcast, The ladies discuss gut health, what goes into learning about different states of gut health, good bacteria, and opportunistic types. Dietary impacts on gut-related issues, absorbing nutrients, low and high stomach acid, and the infamous leaky gut discussion. The...

Feb 9, 2021

In today’s episode of the ATP Project Matt, Steve and Elizma combine data on the “grey realm” of macronutrient data. The questions around areas such as amino acids and their caloric yield, do you account for fiber and if so, how? Some of these puzzles are enough to make most people get a headache trying to equate...

Feb 2, 2021

In today’s episode of the ATP Project, Matt, Steve, and Elizma re-visit ‘Fat Loss’ and we say that because the very first episode of the ATP project covered the fundamentals of fat loss, and now, at Episode 288 and 6 years later… we have learned so much more! Science is ever-evolving and so too should our...