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The ATP Project's Podcast

Jun 28, 2022

In this episode of the ATP Project Jeff and Steve chat about the things you may be doing that are doing more harm than good for your immune system. Are you looking for ways to keep your immune system tip-top and the environment around you safe too especially during these cooler months? Well, stay tuned to the end of...

Jun 21, 2022

In this week’s episode of the ATP Project Jeff and Steve give you the update you’ve all been waiting for, the journey of our Noway Collagen Jelly Bar. We discuss the different stages in creating a totally new and unique product for the market, the custom machinery, programming, and testing required plus all of...

Jun 13, 2022

Your Guide to Collagen | The ATP Project 343

Are you stuck wondering which collagen is right for you and your health goals? In this week's episode of the ATP project, the team discusses the types of collagen and more importantly, what collagen peptides are and what they are specifically targeted to in the body. Whether...

Jun 6, 2022

On this week's episode of The ATP Project, Jeff and Steve discuss how to get maximum results for your muscle during training. When it comes to strength training, it can all become so confusing understanding which rep range you should be aiming for, how much rest your should be taking and which exercises will be giving...